• What is an independent study charter school?

    Posted by:

    Charters schools are independent public schools with unique educational approaches and flexible curriculum that works best for each individual student. Independent study is where the majority of learning is done outside of the traditional classroom setting with the parent/guardian who is referred to as the “home educator”  and supported by an onsite Advisory Teacher.

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  • What grade levels does COIL serve?

    Posted by:

    COIL serves students in grades TK-12.

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  • Who is eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (TK)?

    Posted by:
    1. Who is age-eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
      • In 2022–23, TK students are eligible if they turn 5 years old between September 2 and February 2
      • In 2023–24, TK students are eligible if they turn 5 between September 2 and April 2
      • In 2024–25, TK students are eligible if they turn 5 between September 2 and June 2
      • In 2025–26, LEAs are required to make TK available to all children who will have their fourth birthday by September 1 of the school year.
      However, pursuant to AB 167, EC Section 48000(c)(2)(A), a school district or charter school may, at any time during a school year (including at the beginning of the school year) admit a child to a TK program who will have his or her fifth birthday after December 2 but during that same school year, with the approval of the parent or guardian, if the governing board of the school district or the governing body of the charter school determines that the admittance is in the best interests of the child and the parent or guardian is given information regarding the advantages and disadvantages and any other explanatory information about the effect of this early admittance. Average Daily Attendance (ADA) can be claimed for these students once they attain the age of five (EC Section 48000(c)(2)(B)).
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  • What is the minimum age to start kindergarten at COIL?

    Posted by:
    1. What is the minimum age for admittance to kindergarten in California?

      According to EC 48000[a], a child shall be admitted to a kindergarten maintained by the school district at the beginning of a school year, or at a later time in the same year if the child will have his or her fifth birthday on or before September 1 for the 2014-15 school year and thereafter.

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  • What counties does COIL serve?

    Posted by:

    Families may live in Alameda County or any county that touches Alameda County in California and attend COIL. Those counties are Contra Costa, San Joaquin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Stanislaus Counties.

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  • How much does it cost to attend COIL?

    Posted by:

    COIL is free for families. We are a publicly-funded charter school.

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  • How do I enroll my child?

    Posted by:

    Please fill out the inquiry form located on the Coil website home page or click here.  Once your inquiry is received, the registration link will be sent to you.   For more information please attend an information meeting by clicking this link.

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  • What is the waiting list and lottery?

    Posted by:
    This occurs when we receive a completed enrollment packet, but do not have current opening for that specific grade level.  When this occurs and a space becomes available, a random drawing is held for the students that are eligible based on the grade level open with priority given to those who have siblings already attending or live in Fremont. 
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  • Can I be enrolled in another school at the same time as COIL?

    Posted by:
    No.  Every COIL student must be enrolled as a full-time student at COIL only. 
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  • Do I have to meet with a teacher? How often if so?

    Posted by:

    Each COIL student is assigned a CA credentialed teacher called an Advisory Teacher. The Advisory Teacher supports the parent and helps ensure the student is making adequate progress towards mastering grade level standards. You and your child will meet face-to-face with the Advisory Teacher at COIL at least every 20 days, which constitutes a Learning Period.

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  • What happens at an Advisory Teacher meeting?

    Posted by:

    The Advisory Teacher will review completed work, collect work samples, and assess the mastery of topics assigned in the Learning Period through written or verbal means. They will also assign work for the next Learning Period.

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  • I have students in different grades. Will they have the same teacher?

    Posted by:

    Our teachers are credentialed and certified to teach a specific student population. However, we recognize the needs of families who have students in different grades levels and carefully select staff to serve them the best.

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  • Do you offer on-site classes?

    Posted by:

    We do offer a range of on-site classes for all grades. Please see our current class schedule here

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  • Do you offer funding to parents?

    Posted by:

    No, we do not offer any funding. We offer all needed curriculum and materials to students for their use. 

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  • Do students have to take state-mandated tests?

    Posted by:

    All COIL students are required to participate in state-mandated tests. We administer CAASPP testing as outlined. The guidelines can be found here

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  • What curriculum and other resources are provided?

    Posted by:

    Materials are provided and range from standard texts and workbooks, online instructional materials, and hands-on materials. Curriculum is aligned with state standards. We offer multiple options and levels to choose from for each course offered. Field trips and other educational activities also support student learning. 

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  • Who do I contact for more information?

    Posted by:

    For more information, please attend a parent information meeting or contact the COIL Front Office at 510-797-0100 or by email at coilcharter@fremont.k12.ca.us.

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