Enrolling a high school student? If you are enrolling a high school student, please bring a copy of their most recent transcript.
Students with 504/IEP's: If your child has a 504 or IEP, please provide a copy of the most recent 504/IEP along with any pertinent reports after enrollment.Possibility of being waitlisted: COIL may sometimes not have openings at particular grade levels. When this happens, your child will be placed on a waiting list. Openings will be filled by grade level by a lottery.
Your child is not considered enrolled in our school if they are on the waitlist. DO NOT withdraw your child from their current school until enrollment is completed at COIL.
All students must be current and up to date on all immunizations to enroll. Please bring or email a printout from your doctor. Immunizations listed on transcripts cannot be accepted.